The View From Guinea....KC's perspective
In Relentless Pursuit of Excellence. Finding Balance between what you knew with what you NOW KNOW.Embarking on 26 hours of travel and two weeks away from home, and with Guinea being 7 hours ahead of California time, KC left Los Angeles Monday morning and arrived in Guinea on Tuesday evening. He'd followed my brothers advice and stayed awake most of his travel so when it was bed time he was appropriately tired. We'll pick up in his journal after his first night in Guinea aboard Mercy Ships....
FROM KC: "I went to bed not worrying that I would sleep. I woke up at 5:30am. The bed on Mercy Ships was comfy and I slept great, which was great news. After breakfast we had a team meeting where everyone shared about themselves. I would never get to know people's hearts at this level normally; its amazing when you put a diverse group together, all with Jesus as the common bond. You could see the missionary, the lay servant, and those willing to just come to try and give without knowing exactly what it would be, or how they would be effective. (me!) I really like everyone; I really tried to listen for each person's heart so I could have an insight to connect with them.After this meeting we met with the minister of health for the country; he was an engaging man who really seemed to care about how we could provide a better healthcare environment for his countrymen.
After lunch we went to the hospital. Its just sad, but amazing to see what conditions people can live in. Broken roads, broken buildings, and broken souls continuing on because that's all they can do. I can't imagine living in the same way these people do, but what else can they do? They don't know the possibilities I do. Laying around is lots of
trash, old medical waste, people milling about the campus, doing laundry, selling wares or food, and a car service area (not one you would want to rely on to fix your car). Everywhere we walked, more and more broken down, bandaged conditions. The people, incredibly, are always smiling at us, saying "Bonjour". How can you not hope for them to have more?After a couple of hours of assessment we returned to the ship. We won't have interior access to the hospital today; we hope to start there tomorrow. I miss everyone [{family}] and was able to text each of you to tell you I love you. We have discussed our strategy for tomorrow, and its off to bed." TRACI again. As you can read, it was a real collision of how we know God by what we see in our own lives, and the very same God and how he interacts and relates to those in places like Guinea. Is it any wonder Jesus talks so much of the poor in his word? We are called to allow our hearts to be moved with compassion; to help those who cannot help themselves; with our time, with our resources, our education, career, and most importantly, do it all with God's love. It really stands in contrast to the days when my to do list is about getting my car washed, getting my hair cut and colored, and vacuuming my house. Not to say God doesn't want me to take care of what I've been entrusted with, but again; its a collision of the things that take up my thinking and time with the reality of millions of people waking up this very day in dirt and rubble wondering if they, or their child, or spouse will live or die, and whether or not they'll find something edible to eat. REAL need.I love God, and I love that he allows us to see people as he sees them; and sometimes that love makes me, you, all of us, really uncomfortable because we want to know how to help.Be open and available. Its why as I re-do my blog I'm adding a new tab up top (if its not there now it will be soon) called Coaches Give Back. So that as you look for a way to give with your resources, you can come here and find a very real need with a very tangible way to fill it. Its why we're on this planet. :)In Relentless Pursuit of Excellence!TRACI :)