This is sobering.


The CDC (Center of Disease Control) just released the most recent obesity map of the US.
Its gotten worse steadily every decade since they started tracking.

When I first started my health and wellness journey nearly 20 years ago, the obesity rates were on the rise. Sadly, all these years later they’re worse than they’ve ever been. And its heartbreaking and unnecessary.

People are losing parents, spouse, children; their closest relationships on the planet through habits that are 100% reversible!!! And we don’t say anything because we don’t want to shame them, and I get it. I’m not talking about guilt tripping people to short term fixes that only leave them feeling worse than before. But what if we lovingly offered them an option that not only would give them more years to their life, but more life to their years? To live FULLY ALIVE; healthy, active, and adventuring?!

You and I can BE THE CHANGE. It’s not about a dress size for the sake of saying you were the size. Thats empty and won’t inspire long term change for most.

I start with me.
You start with you.
We teach our kids how to take charge of their own health by supplying them with lots of healthy options at home for their whole childhood.

The ONLY way we can ensure change in the rates of obesity in our country is to make sure we live healthy within our home.

And then...once you've lived the example yourselves, you positively influence those around you by INVITING them to find what you've found to work for you.

Lead by example.
Invite others to join you.
Support them and cheer them on.

If we do this CONSISTENTLY we WILL see a huge ripple effect of people helping people. I believe that people want to change, they just need clear steps HOW.

Do it like lives depend on it, because they do.
This is about so much more than looking "hot" or "sexy" though that may be a nice side effect of living healthy.

No, it’s about self worth. Self respect. Self empowerment. Self discipline.
It's stewardship of this amazing body that you only get one of for an entire lifetime.
When we show ourselves that we can do it, we show others that they can too, and become a part of the solution!!

Lead with your life, and show others that they can do it too.
Who can you invite to healthier living??

Reach out to me HERE or through the CONTACT button and I’ll respond personally!

Health begins in the Home! Be a part of Healthy Change!

Join me!

