I'm here! I'm here! And Look at You - You're Here Too!!!!
I am so excited to at long last be blogging on my new site! :) Its been a long time coming to get it just how I want it to be - and I'm almost there! Look for my updated Business Presentation as well as *FOUR* new trainings, updated and always here on this site for you to train your team to be the BEST version of themselves as a Team Beachbody Coach. For those of you who know me, you KNOW how much I love and value my team. The time I spend creating tools to help you grow as a person, grow as a Coach and Mentor, and HAVE FUN is a labor of love because I'm FOR YOU!!! I believe we CAN absolutely overcome the trends of obesity one relationship at a time, so this training is for you to use whether you're on my team or just a member of the larger Team Beachbody Family! I'm always going to refer you back to YOUR OWN SPONSOR for answers to your questions, but by all means take the tools on this site, use them in your own skill set and personality, and GROW your biz!! :)This year, in a few short weeks, I will turn 41 years old. :) I LOVE THAT!!! I feel as good if not better now than I ever have, and I'm happy to share the easily doable tools Team Beachbody offers that helped me reclaim my health and wellness, but also to tell it to you straight as I work out my own struggles, challenges, and my quest to always up my game and do my best to age gracefully - embracing every stage as THE BEST stage of my life! :) We all want to live joyfully - well, that takes work. Ask my kids; I say (to the point of them probably being sick of hearing it) that nothing worth having comes without a cost. Sometimes that cost is physical (waking up early to work out instead of sleeping in), and sometimes its emotional (doing the right thing even if you don't feel like it), and it always requires discipline. But the payoff of self discipline is a fit, healthy body and the joy of positively influencing those around you that its possible for them too. I love when our CEO Carl Daikeler says that "Reversing the trends of obesity" is not just a slogan we like to say but the actual goal and that WE WILL do it! And how will we do it? TOGETHER, and leading by example. :)Thanks for joining me in this journey. :) I hope you'll pick out your workout program, set your personalized menu plan, and write out your personal goals. TODAY'S THE DAY. :) Lets keep it real and have fun....TOGETHER!Blessings!TRACI :)