Mondays :)

Does Monday inspire you or bum you out? Maybe its different each week, if you're honest, but could it be because you don't love what you do?I'm a fan of new beginnings. :) Maybe because God is all about fresh starts. Maybe because I've needed "do-overs" throughout my life and have been so grateful for them. Maybe because it represents a new, clean slate. Probably all of the above. That's what Monday's are to me. When I wake up on Monday I have a brand new week to talk to someone I love, help someone who reaches out, meet someone new, feel useful and as John Maxwell puts it; ADD VALUE TO SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE.Being a Team Beachbody Coach allows me to do just that. Every day I talk with someone, either live, or via text, email, facebook, twitter, or through skype about making positive changes in their health and reclaiming what all too often years of not so great choices have taken. I am humbled when someone shares their story with me or invites me into their private journey of weight loss. I am honored to play a small role in helping someone find their purpose in helping someone else find the tools they found through Team Beachbody. No matter what else may be going on, helping someone else,and showing love to others always reminds me that THAT'S what I'm here for. And I love it. Its what inspires and excited me to turn on my light in the dark of early morning to get into my day.Does YOUR job do that for you? Cuz if not, you just as easily can grab hold of your own health and fitness and inspire others to do the same. I'm always looking for such people to join my team. :) Let's love what we do TOGETHER......and reclaim Monday's for GOOD! :)