Do YOU Have a Personal Growth Plan?

A growth plan that invites you to willingly leave your comfort zone, to intentionally step into a new space where you are inspired to grow into the next best version of yourself; with mentors who have gone before you, are still growing, and who help you navigate the process of growth?

I hope your hand is raised! I hope BOTH hands are raised!!

I'd like to give you an invitation to join ME and MY MENTOR - along with other wonderful, top shelf teachers and mentors - for a day of growth that will open the door to many more days beyond just "the day," to take you on a series of journeys to a new and more learned version of YOU!

On March 13, 2023 we are gathering LIVE in Orlando, Florida, and you are welcome to join us!
If that trip isn't physically possible, you can join us LIVE/VIRTUALLY! Either way, I hope you'll make your growth a priority in 2023 - and bring those on your team with you!

I hope to see you there!

PS. Have you downloaded the FREE Maxwell Leadership App?

This is a GREAT first step for your personal growth plan!

Take the FREE Assessment, and in preparation for our Personal Growth Day,

take the first two FREE Journeys: “7 Ways People Get in Their Own Way”, and “Staying a Step Ahead”!

Traci MorrowComment