Getting Started

Sometimes (oftentimes), just getting started is the hardest part.⁠

Especially when the weather is cold, it's dark outside, and it would be MUCH easier to snooze your alarm and snuggle back under the covers.⁠

Whether it's exercise, work, tasks around the house, or something else...why is it so hard to get started?⁠

It's because it's much easier to push difficult or unwanted tasks off for another time. It's easier to say you'll wait for a better time to get started. It's easier to say "maybe tomorrow..."⁠

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone (and your bed) is HARD. It's HARD to start something that you might feel unprepared for. And it's definitely hard (and scary) to try something that you might fail at.⁠

Just remember...the second step is always easier than the first! And once you overcome the lack of motivation to take that first step, you start the power of momentum. There's never going to be a perfect time to start a new routine, and nothing will change if you don't take that first step.⁠

You can do hard things. If you need a guide and community - I have one for you! Together, we are building wellness habits into already busy lives in order that we might define and life a great lifestory.

Reach out - I’d love to help you take that first step!


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