Loving People well
I have 6 kids, and four of them have found their spouse, so now I have 10 kids. Each one so unique in their sense of humor, intensity, personal styles, passions, gifts, strengths, and personalities.
They were made to love and serve people in their gifts, but you know what? SO WERE YOU!
I love my people, and they are unique, but they are no more unique than every other work-of-art human being walking this planet!!
This kind of love was never meant to stay in a tight little family huddle. The family was designed to be a place to learn to love people different than you, so we can then go out and love those outside our families!!
We get to know God’s heart best by learning to love people!!! Not just "family" people, but those different from us, hard to love, hard to connect with, those closed off, those who offend us, etc etc etc!!
Anyone can love the easy to love. It takes GOD’S LOVE to love those who challenge our own love shortcomings!
The hardest, best thing we can do is to let God teach us to love well. What better place to that is first, in a family? And second, perhaps in a community of people who are looking to improve their lives in the areas of wellness: mental, physical, personal/spiritual, and financial? That’s why I love doing business in a team of people who are growing together in these areas.
As we learn about ourselves and one another, we learn to appreciate one another so much more quickly because we are being intentional. As we grow, we build trust, understanding, and expand our capacity to appreciate people who are created and wired differently than we are. And maybe, just maybe, our perspectives expand as well.
I’m building a team of people in the wellness space. We are learning about the brain-gut connection and how it affects our health. We are building trust with one another as we grow personally, and focus on our own mental and physical health; learning to be examples to others that holistic health is possible from the inside out. What a beautiful model of authenticity; leading ourselves first, becoming examples, then leading outwardly to show what’s possible. Now THAT’s a model of duplication for a great lifestory.
If this interests you at all, please reach out. We are not going to be for everyone. Just for those looking to really live intentionally and holistically healthy; one choice at a time, in a community of people who want to truly live; daily showing up as the next best version of themselves.
I hope to hear from you!