IS IT POSSIBLE TO STAY MARRIED FOR LIFE? Let’s talk marriage tools

Is it possible to stay married for life?

For the ones who do, can they still like each other and love each other?

How do they do that? Is it even possible?

A marriage that goes the distance is not easy, but finding a spouse that works with you, grows alongside you, and stays for the whole story: that is a true partnership. In my book, I discuss how there were a few times we could have thrown in the towel because it WAS HARD.⁠

We grew at different paces, and in different ways, and it caused friction at times.⁠

But we stayed. And we didn't just stay to stay...we did the work to make it good again. When it was fun, when it was hard, through tears, and with pain we stayed and worked it out. Sometimes we wanted to, sometimes we didn't want to because we felt too lazy to do "the stuff."⁠ But we kept showing up.

And today...nearly 35 years of marriage later (our anniversary is in October!) we say "Look what we would have missed out on if we'd quit when it was hard?!"⁠

Our marriage is something that only comes from years of apologizing when you feel like being stubborn.

Years of forgiving when holding a grudge comes naturally.

Years of loving through growth, and when there were growing pains, and loving through stagnant stages, and when we just weren’t “feelin” it.

Years of staying to talk when leaving and freezing the other one out would have been easier.⁠

When you say "I do" it's to all of it, and if you BOTH are willing to stick it out through the tough times, that lovey, dreamy feeling circles back around, and is INTENSIFIED on the other side of staying and working it through until it’s good again. ⁠

We have mentored couples for years on what works and I’m happy to announce that we are still working with couples in our regular life apart from an online stream. We help get couple talking about defining important topics, about the differences and the similarities of how you’re wired, how to interact with your family of origin, what you believe about modern and timeless aspects of marriage and roles, and other topics that you encounter in real-life marriage. We suggest reading materials and help by putting tools into your hands so you can build something powerful and lasting. We’re not promoting a fairy tale, but a real-life beautiful, messy, sometimes complicated, go-the-distance one-of-a-kind marriage!

We do this with couples who are married and wanting to strengthen their marriage OR just to work on some things.

Would this be something you’d be interested in if it were an online course? To purchase to go through either alone or in a group with KC and I via zoom? If so, reach out to us or leave us a comment. And until we get to that place, be sure to pick up a copy of my book, Real-Life Marriage today and begin working through the exercises at the end of each chapter with your person!

We desire to see marriages THRIVE so you can live your great LOVEstory!